Saturday, April 02, 2005

I see so much changes in the city I lived in (Kuala Lumpur). Some so subtle that when I realised it I had to stop momentary and wondered 'Oh but it was here the last time'. I realised then I am becoming a stranger in a place I thought I knew like the back of my hands. I take great delights in coming back to familiar places. It doesn't matter the people there do not know me. The important thing is that I remember them.

Why am I feeling so nostalgic? I am talking about the passing of one of my favourite haunts the 'PAGE ONE' book shop in Lot 10, a shopping mall. I remember it so well, a decade ago. It was located then on the ground floor right out in the front. I was so delighted and awed by the wonderful books on displayed. So many to look at. Some with pictures so incredible it took my breath away. There were books that spoke of long forgotten places and strange people. Some tomes gave me insights to past great masters and creators of awesome new visions. Of course I never leave without looking at those of beautiful dwellings and delightful gardens. Like most good things these books were not cheap. I must say I succumbed many times to their siren songs. I remember too those crazy tilted book case that make me a little dizzy. Design and novelty values aside the proprietor had the good sense to straigthen them eventually.

I said my goodbye to the books on the eve of the closure. The shop was filled with more than usual number of people mostly bargain hunters. I did not stay long, just wandered around the well remembered aisles, running my fingers lightly over books I coveted but could not afford. So goodbye to an old friend .............and Kuala Lumpur changed a little without many of us knowing it. Posted by Hello


lecram sinun said...

I know how you feel. I have not been back in 13 years... and even then I felt things were changing in KL that I wasn't sure I was happy with.

Keep observing... I would be interested in your impressions.

Kayelmiumiu said...

wow! a fan and all the way from SF. You made my day.

We can't do anything about changes - good or bad. Yes it elicit happy or unhappy feelings from us. I am going to do a few postings about changes in Bukit Bintang area. I lived here when I was a kid until late teen. Trying to sort out the old pics to make the post more coherent.